27 Jun Solari and Stock Corona Virus update 26 June 2021

Solari and Stock take the Corona Virus very seriously and the welfare of our staff and clients are of utmost importance to us.
During the current lockdown the following will be implemented as of Monday 28 June 2021:
- Our staff will be continuing to work and will be able to continue with all current and new matters as per normal. Due to the systems we have developed there will be no disruption to our day to day work other than attendances at our office.
- Our office will be closed to the public for the entirety of the 2 week lockdown, reopening at the completion on Monday 12th July 2021. This will be dependent on the NSW Government restrictions, please be aware notification of our reopening date will be made on both our website and social media.
- Any existing appointments during the lockdown will not be held face to face- if you have an existing appointment please contact our office to discuss alternative arrangements for your appointment via:
- Zoom conference; or
- Telephone; or
- postpone your appointment to a later date
We remain committed to our staff and clients during this time and will continue to provide you with the highest level of service during this current disruption. Should you have any concerns or urgent matters please contact our office on 8525 2700 or [email protected]