07 Nov Budget provides substantial funding to the FCFCOA

Substantial funding announced in the 2022–23 Budget has been welcomed by the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA).
The funding provides $63.75 million of additional resources, over the 4 years to 2025–26, for the broad expansion of the Lighthouse model to address family violence and the appointment of a number of Indigenous Family Liaison Officers.
Specifically, the funding allows for:
• A comprehensive funding package for family law officers to support the expansion of the Lighthouse model to 15 registries in the FCFCOA. It also includes funding from 1 July 2022 equivalent to 71 family law positions, such as Senior Judicial Registrars, Judicial Registrars, Court Child Experts, Triage Counsellors and support staff for registrars and Court Child Experts.
• Funding from 1 July 2022 equivalent to 16 family law positions, including Indigenous Family Liaison Officers, a registrar, a Court Child Expert and support staff.
Chief Justice Alstergren AO said that the FCFCOA’s number one priority has been to shine a light on the scourge of family violence, improve the outcome of matters involving family violence, and to keep vulnerable parties and children safe.
Source: Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, 2022-23 Commonwealth Budget provides $71.5 million to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia for world-leading innovations, 26 October 2022.
Source: Preston & Preston (2022) FLC ¶94-108; [2022] FedCFamC1A 157, 5 October 2022.
Published by Riccarda Stock
Image Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash