July Monthly newsletter is here

July Monthly newsletter is here

Solari and Stock May 2024 Client Newsletter

Welcome to our July 2024 Monthly Review. The Monthly Review is a bite sized selection of articles written by our Solari and Stock Lawyers.  

Articles included in this months newsletter are:

  • What is Parental Responsiblity?
  • Video-Shweta discusses Parental Responsiblity
  • What is Strata Title?
  • Land Tax Registrations for new customers

To open our July Newsletter click on the link below, https://mailchi.mp/07d1e6acd5b4/solari-and-stock-july-monthly-newsletter-is-here-5443996

If you would like to discuss any of these articles with one of our Team, please contact us on 8525 2700 or click here to request an appointment.

Have you enjoyed reading our Monthly Review? 
Please feel free to forward this onto you colleagues and friends if you feel they would benefit.

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