Tips for Separated Parents at Christmas
22 Dec Tips for Separated Parents at Christmas
Tips to remember heading into Christmas, school holidays and the New Year period when you are coparenting....
~ We wish you all a very happy and healthy 2025, for all your legal needs please click on the Contact Us button ~
Tips to remember heading into Christmas, school holidays and the New Year period when you are coparenting....
‘Silly Season’, we need to seriously think about taking care of ourselves and our children at Christmas! ...
Signing your Will is not a “one and done” event. It requires regular review and updating as your circumstances change. Key events should trigger a review. ...
Undoubtedly, the COVD-19 world we live in has raised many difficult questions for individuals and families alike. First and foremost, whether or not to get the jab is a hotly debated topic. But what happens if parents disagree about vaccinating their children?...
The Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021 came into effect on 11 October 2021 and from this date, paper Certificates of Title were abolished and NSW Land Registry Services cancelled all paper Certificates of Title. All property dealings will now have to...
Domestic Financial abuse is a form of family violence in which one partner attempts to exercise power and control over their spouse by limiting their access to finances and dictating the terms on which money is to be spent. It often happens alongside other types...
For the most part, people make Wills because they want to give someone something on their death, but there are some considerations when deciding who to benefit, and what you intend for them to receive. During your lifetime, your assets will change as you buy and...
Solari & Stock have a position available for a motivated person to work in conjunction with one of our Directors in heading up our Property and Commercial Division and drive its growth and development. ...
A recent case in the Fair Work Commission considered whether there was any time limit between making a person’s position redundant and then readvertising that position....
Solari and Stock welcome you back to the office from Monday 11 October...