Client Testimonial Rebecca Exley
17 Jan Client Testimonial Rebecca Exley
Another fabulous testimonial for Rebecca, and the Wills and Estates Team at Solari and Stock. ...
~ We wish you all a very happy and healthy 2025, for all your legal needs please click on the Contact Us button ~
Another fabulous testimonial for Rebecca, and the Wills and Estates Team at Solari and Stock. ...
So, you thought New Year’s resolutions were for losing weight and giving up cake. Nope! January gives you the opportunity to organise your Estate Planning and take control of your affairs both during your lifetime and on death....
Many people would agree that conversations about death and distribution of property following death can be uncomfortable. By shying away from these conversations, many people do not engage in estate planning and are subsequently left without a will. Whilst it is not a legal requirement to...
If you have concerns about your matter or looking at purchasing a property, please contact the Solari and Stock Team by clicking on the Contact Us button. ...
Solari and Stock would like to wish you all a wonderful, happy and safe Christmas break. We are closing over the Christmas period from 1pm Friday 20th December 2024 and reopening on Monday 6th Janary 2025. Should you need to contact us, simply...
Michael Solari, Partner at Solari & Stock, discusses how Lexis+ AI empowers small to medium-sized law firms to enhance productivity and efficiency like never before, enabling them to grow and compete with larger firms. ...
Wills and Blended Families: Safeguarding the Family Home and Supporting the Surviving Spouse In blended families, drafting a will involves crucial decisions to ensure both the surviving spouse and children from previous relationships are adequately provided for. This is particularly important when the family home is...
You may have made a nomination to your super fund as to who receives the balance of your superfund upon your death, but do you know if your nomination is binding?...
The Family Law Act defines superannuation as ‘property’ which is capable of being divided between the parties of a marriage or a de facto relationship. However, superannuation is treated differently to other assets. There are specific laws which regulate superannuation, including the process of...
The Australian Government has released exposure draft legislation and explanatory material that amends the Taxation Administration Act 1953 and the Family Law Act 1975 to facilitate the identification of superannuation assets by parties to family law proceedings, leveraging information held by the Australian Tax Office...