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News & Resources

Costs of Living and Family Law

Cost of living and Family Law

Relationship breakdowns are a time of enormous financial stress for most families, especially those with children. The joint finances which have supported one household must now be stretched over two – often with some help from the Government in the form of increased Family Tax Benefit and other payments.

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Overturning Property Orders

With respect to property and financial matters, the Court has a duty to make orders that “as far as practicable…will finally determine the financial relationships between the parties”.

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Can final property orders be varied or set aside?

Can final property orders be varied or set aside?

With respect to property and financial matters, the Court has a duty to make orders that “as far as practicable…will finally determine the financial relationships between the parties”. However, once orders have been made to finally determine a party’s property interests, the Court still has the power to set aside or vary those orders.

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Are Powers of Attorneys and Enduring Guardians important in Estate Planning?

Are Powers of Attorneys and Enduring Guardians important in Estate Planning?

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What is Estate Planning, and why is it so important?

What is estate planning, and why is it so important?

Why an estate plan is not reserved for the wealthy, and the implications of not taking proper legal and financial advice when planning the management of assets during your life, and the disposal of assets on death.

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Top 5 Helpful Divorce Facts

Top 5 divorce facts

Here are 5 of our top divorce facts that might clarify some of the myths about getting a divorce.

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Residential Aged Care

Residential aged care

Anybody who has looked even briefly at residential Aged care in Australia quickly realises that it is both expensive and complex. With the taxpayer funding up to $120,000 per resident on top of paying up to $25,000pa in Age Pension, the cost of state funded Aged Care in an ageing population will be financially crippling for future generations.

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Requirements for home based Businesses

ERqequirements for home based businesses

If you run a business from home, you should disclose this information on your home insurance policy, otherwise any future claims may be rejected.

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Capital Gains Tax and Family Law Property Settlements

capital gains tax and family law property settlements

When parties to a marriage or a de facto relationship separate, they will usually seek to divide their assets between themselves by way of a property settlement. In some situations, the issue of Capital Gains Tax (“CGT”) will arise. CGT can be costly and, if applicable, it is important that parties understand the implications of CGT on their property settlement.

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Everything you need to know about being called for Jury service

Everything you need to know about being called for Jury service

If you’re obsessed with true crime podcasts and TV shows, the day a jury duty letter comes in the mail might just be the day you’ve been waiting for to finally fulfil your real-life fantasy. But for others, jury duty has long been attached to the negative stigma of being wildly inconvenient, especially for people who run their own business or young families.

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