Family Law Q&A
21 Oct Family Law Q&A
At what age can my children choose who they live with, and/or choose how often they see the other parent? At what age can a child’s views be more influential than that of their parents?...
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At what age can my children choose who they live with, and/or choose how often they see the other parent? At what age can a child’s views be more influential than that of their parents?...
The Family Court of Australia hears many applications each year of parents seeking to relocate with their children against the wishes of the other parent, often to be closer to family support, for a re-marriage or for employment opportunities. In doing so, the Courts must consider...
Clients will often ask us "What is the difference between a Divorce and a Property Settlement?" and "Do I have to wait any period of time before I do my property settlement?". The answers to these questions and more can be found in...
Parenting with my Ex in the middle of the COVID19 Pandemic This has been a difficult time for many families trying to work out what to do with the arrangements for their children during the COVID19 global pandemic. We have outlined some of the issues that...
Our Marriage has broken down. If I move out of the house first, what are the consequences?...
The Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia are leading the way in assisting families that have experienced family violence or other safety concerns to navigate the family law system. The Project is the Courts’ response to calls for the family...
Who has the right to change the locks on the house after separation? Even in circumstances where a party has been temporarily residing elsewhere during separation, the changing of the locks can come as somewhat of a shock. If a client contacts us in...
Domestic Financial abuse is a form of family violence in which one partner attempts to exercise power and control over their spouse by limiting their access to finances and dictating the terms on which money is to be spent. It often happens alongside other types...
Do All Family Law Matters Have To Go To Court? Short answer is no! Statistics show that approximately 85% of family law disputes are resolved without the Court being required to make any decision. In other words, people have been able to reach agreement between themselves and...
After separation some people may choose to divide their assets without a lawyer, and understandably they are commonly motivated to save money and avoid the litigious process. However, people can run into problems and they typically fall into one of two categories:...