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News & Resources

The Dangers of Director’s Guarantees

It is common for directors of companies to be required to provide a director’s or personal guarantee to guarantee the performance of a company’s obligations under contracts entered into by the company.
In the absence of a personal guarantee, a director of a company is only personally liable for debts of the company and claims against the company where the director is in breach of theirs duties as a director.

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Family Law Q&A

With about 1 in 3 Australian marriages ending in divorce almost everyone knows someone who has been involved in the breakdown of a marriage or a de facto relationship. Not surprisingly this often results in rumours about what each party is entitled to receive.

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The Top Ten Guide for Separated Parents During Covid 19

Many families have found the global pandemic as particularly stressful. Both parents and children are very anxious about the situation at this time. Parents are facing the stress of money and health worries in the pandemic, as well as the normal stresses and pressures that arise from raising children generally. The Family Law Section have prepared a list of “The Top Ten Guide for Separated Parents During Covid 19” and we thought we would like to share a summary of their list with you

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You May Be In A De facto Relationship Even If You Don’t Live Together All Of The Time!

Couple hands

Under the Family Law Act, a de facto relationship is when two people are not legally married or related by family and have a relationship as a couple living together on a genuine domestic basis. However, in applying this law, the Court has found that you could be in a de facto relationship even if you don’t share a home together all of the time and even if you have not lived together for two years.

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Family Law Q&A

We have decided to separate. I want to sort out a property division as soon as possible. Do I have to be divorced first? The simple answer is ‘no’. This is a common misconception amongst the public. Divorce is granted on the basis of the…

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Are you running out of time to resolve your family law property division?

Be aware of the time limitations that apply Did you know, in the Australian Family Law system, legislation is set up to provide time frames for couples to bring an application to the Courts to finalise property matters with your former spouse or de-facto partner?…

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What to Do If Your Former Partner Refuses to Return a Child

holding hands

Having children is no doubt one of the greatest gifts in our lives. When they are born, you expect to always be there for them and to care for them. Unfortunately, when relationships come to an end, sharing the care of your children with your…

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The tax risks of becoming a company director?

Many company directors are aware that they can be held personally liable for the debts of a company if they have given a personal guarantee or if they allow the company to trade whilst insolvent. However many directors are unaware of the circumstances in which…

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The risks of acting under an Enduring Power of Attorney

What is an Enduring Power of Attorney? An Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) is a document that appoints a person (the attorney) to make legal and financial decisions on behalf of the principal, once the principal is unable to manage their affairs. The principal can…

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What happens to your superannuation when you separate?

When a marriage or de facto relationship breaks down, property can be divided between the parties. Superannuation is treated as property under the Family Law Act and as such can be adjusted, transferred or divided between parties as a part of their property settlement. Superannuation…

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