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News & Resources

How Technology will Direct the Future for Boutique Lawyers

Across conference tables and networking sessions at the recent Lawyers Weekly Boutique Law Summit in Sydney, delegates were abuzz about how to take on the future.

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Q&A-Co Ownership Agreements

Why should you have a Co-Ownership Agreement? Here are some frequently asked questions relating to disputes between Co-Owners.

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Q&A-Winding up on just and equitable grounds

Under section 461(1)(k) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) a Court may make a winding up order and appoint a liquidator to a company where it is of the opinion that it is just and equitable that the company be wound up.

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What is the Merger of the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court and how will impact upon Families?

On 17 February 2021 the Senate passed the proposed Family Law Merger bill despite strong opposition by many of the stakeholders involved in Family Law.

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Winding up on just and equitable grounds

Almost always, insolvency is the reason why a company is wound up. This process is often initiated by a creditor of the insolvent company.

However, insolvency is not the only grounds for winding up. The court may also order the winding up of a company if it ‘is of the opinion that it is just and equitable’ to do so.

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What about the kids? Is 50/50 time with each parent the norm these days?

The changes effected to our Family Law system back in 2006 have had a huge impact on the approach to child care arrangements in separated families, but have also been largely misunderstood.

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What Are My Rights to See My Grandchild?

As a grandparent myself, I can well understand the emotional distress that may be caused where parents refuse to allow their child to spend time with a grandparent.

This issue arose recently in the case of Sarti & Sarti, heard on Appeal in the Family Court of Australia in December 2020.

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Could You Benefit From a Co-Ownership Agreement?

Could You Benefit From a Co-Ownership Agreement?

Property prices have been on the rise making it more difficult for buyers to get their foot into the property market.

Owning property jointly can seem appealing as friends or family can pool their money together to have a larger deposit, or substantially better borrowing power.

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How can we agree on the value of our house in a Family Law property settlement?

In many Family Law property settlements, the value of the matrimonial home is often a contentious issue which arises.

The family home is the most precious asset which many Australians own. The current strength of the Sydney property market has resulted in significant growth in housing prices over recent years, as such the value of a family’s home may have grown significantly during the length of the relationship.

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Horrific tragedy sparks a nationwide drive to criminalise coercive control

There has been a nationwide effort to criminalise coercive control since the tragic murder of Hannah Clarke and her three children Laianah, 6, Aaliyah, 4, & Trey, 3, at the hands of her estranged husband Rowan Baxter, in Queensland on 19 February 2020 when he set their car on fire.

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