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Need advice you can rely on? Book your consultation with us here.
Dec. 17 2021
Our December 2021 has been released, follow the link to view
Dec. 15 2021
Under what circumstances would a Binding Financial Agreement be set aside?
Dec. 13 2021
A Binding Financial Agreement (“BFA”), commonly known as a ‘prenup’, is an agreement entered into by parties to a relationship. A BFA sets out how the parties’ financial affairs and property will be dealt with in the event their relationship breakdowns. It is important to note that in certain situations, a BFA can be set aside in part or in whole if ever challenged in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (“FCFCoA”).
Dec. 6 2021
How is your family faring in 2021? The Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) is running the Families in Australia Survey, the fourth survey in the series, which began in 2020.
Dec. 1 2021
Your Will requires regular updating as your circumstances change. For more information on updating your will please refer to Rebecca Exley‘s article ‘Why and When Should You Update Your Will and Estate Plan?’ This is an important part of all forms of family life, and…
Nov. 29 2021
Signing your Will is not a “one and done” event. It requires regular review and updating as your circumstances change. Key events should trigger a review.
Nov. 22 2021
Undoubtedly, the COVD-19 world we live in has raised many difficult questions for individuals and families alike. First and foremost, whether or not to get the jab is a hotly debated topic. But what happens if parents disagree about vaccinating their children?
Nov. 15 2021
The Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021 came into effect on 11 October 2021 and from this date, paper Certificates of Title were abolished and NSW Land Registry Services cancelled all paper Certificates of Title. All property dealings will now have to be lodged electronically in NSW.
Nov. 8 2021
Domestic Financial abuse is a form of family violence in which one partner attempts to exercise power and control over their spouse by limiting their access to finances and dictating the terms on which money is to be spent. It often happens alongside other types of domestic violence, such as physical or emotional abuse.
Nov. 3 2021
The deadline for filing applications for December/January 2021 school holiday interim parenting orders in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia has been set as 4 pm on Friday 12 November 2021.