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News & Resources

How Are Loans Made by Parents to Children Treated When They Divorce?

How are loans treated when you divorce

Many parents wish to help their adult children financially throughout their lifetime, for example by advancing money to fund a deposit to buy their first home. These advances are rarely documented. But what happens to that money if the adult child subsequently separates or divorces?

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Infographic-The Family Law Appointment Process

what to expect when meeting with Family Law Lawyer

Have you ever wondered what is involved in meeting with one of our Family Law Solicitors? This should help to demystify the process for you.

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What to Expect from a Family Lawyer at Solari and Stock?

What to expect from a Family Lawyer from Solari and Stock

Our Family Lawyers focus on what is important to you, and we give you the benefit of our team’s many years of experience representing Family Law clients. We can guide you because we know how to deal with your situation even if you have a very difficult spouse or partner.

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Should I stay or should I go?

Should I stay or should I go?

Are you separating?

Do you know if you will stay in your family home or will you go?

Who has the rights to stay in the home?

What are the implications if staying?

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Should I stay in the family home or should I go?

Should I stay in the family home

After a marriage or relationship breaks down, the issue of whether to stay in the family home or leave is a hotly contested issue. This is especially emotive when children are involved.

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Is Your Spouse a Narcissist?

Is Your Spouse a Narcissist?

Is your spouse a narcissist? Is your spouse a bully? Our infographic shows a list of traits that you may find in a narcissist.

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How to achieve a Family Law Property Settlement with a “Narcissist”

How do I achieve a Family Law settlement with a narcissist?

Is your spouse a narcissist? Is your spouse a bully? Do they have the following traits:-

-Wants to control you and any situation?
-Needs to be right?
-Always wants to be seen as the good guy?
-Is quick to criticise when you don’t meet expectations?
-Lacks the ability to feel remorse?
-Pretends to be loving or caring – but is actually manipulating?
-Is emotionally distant?
-Believes it’s always someone else’s fault?
-Is unforgiving and resentful?
-Is not interested in compromising- -it is their way or the highway!

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What to do if you have been served with a Family Law Court Application

What to do when you receive a Family Court Application

Sometimes, the first you know about your spouse filing a family law application against you is when a process server knocks on your door to serve you with the Court Application. Whilst a natural reaction for you may be to avoid being served with the court document, this may end up being to your disadvantage.

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TOP 5 Helpful Divorce Facts

Top 5 tips on Divorce

People commonly mistake the position at law and think that you need to be divorced in order to have a property settlement; this is not the case. For the Family Law Courts to make orders dividing property there is a requirement that the parties are separated and there is no requirement for a Divorce.

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Greater protection and financial support for commercial tenants and landlords


The NSW Government will re-introduce the National Cabinet’s Mandatory Code of Conduct for Commercial Leasing to mandate rent relief for eligible tenants impacted by COVID-19.

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