News & Resources

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News & Resources

A New Family Law Court

From 1 September 2021 the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia merged into a new amalgamated court now known as the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (“FCFCOA”).

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A Wise Word on Gifts in Wills

Wise word on gifts in wills

For the most part, people make Wills because they want to give someone something on their death, but there are some considerations when deciding who to benefit, and what you intend for them to receive.
During your lifetime, your assets will change as you buy and sell real estate, change vehicles, spend money, get married, get divorced, have children or retire.

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Position vacant-Property and Commercial Solicitor

Position vacant Property Solicitor

Solari & Stock have a position available for a motivated person to work in conjunction with one of our Directors in heading up our Property and Commercial Division and drive its growth and development.

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How does the timing of a separation impact on an inheritance?

Should I separate before my parents die

If your marriage or relationship is on the rocks and you are deciding as to whether to separate from your spouse, and are concerned as to the effect on your inheritance, then here is some advice which you ought to consider in making your decision one way or the other.

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Is there a time you have to wait after you make a person redundant before you can readvertise for the same position?

how long do we wait time to wait after making someone redundant

A recent case in the Fair Work Commission considered whether there was any time limit between making a person’s position redundant and then readvertising that position.

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Solari and Stock Welcome You back to Our Office

Solari and Stock reopening

Solari and Stock welcome you back to the office from Monday 11 October

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Solari and Stock September 2021 Newsletter is available

Solari and Stock’s Client Newsletter has been released! We have selected a number of articles written by our Solari and Stock lawyers relating to a variety of topics and we hope that these articles provide you some assistance.

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Winding up on just and equitable grounds

Winding Up On Just and equitable grounds

Almost always, insolvency is the reason why a company is wound up. This process is often initiated by a creditor of the insolvent company.

However, insolvency is not the only grounds for winding up. The court may also order the winding up of a company if it ‘is of the opinion that it is just and equitable’ to do so.

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Will I have to pay my ex’s legal costs?

Do I have to pay for my ex's legal costs

The general rule in relation to costs in family law matters is outlined in section 117(1) of the Family Law Act 1975, which states that each party to a proceeding shall pay their own legal costs. This is the starting point for all applications that come before the Court.

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Solari and Stock Security Notice

Solari and Stock security notice

If you receive an email from Solari and Stock requesting a payment, please contact our office to verify its authenticity.

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