Need advice you can rely on? Book your consultation with us here.
Need advice you can rely on? Book your consultation with us here.
Jun. 27 2021
Solari and Stock take the Coronavirus very seriously and the welfare of our staff and clients are of utmost importance to us.
During the current lockdown the following will be implemented as of Monday 28 June 2021, including the closure of our office to the public.
Jun. 23 2021
Have you experienced difficulties trying to enforce your parenting orders? Have you had problems with an ex-partner who has repeatedly failed to comply with parenting Orders? Do you want to be able to provide feedback of your own experiences to assist with improving the enforcement of parenting Orders? If you do, here is an opportunity for you to take part in a survey that will confidentially store your voice to be heard as part of research into this area
Jun. 21 2021
Once Court Orders are made, parties have an obligation to comply with them. The Family Court and Federal Circuit Court Judges take a party’s responsibility to comply with an Order very seriously. There are significant consequences and penalties to a party if they fail to comply with a Court order.
Jun. 16 2021
Solari and Stock Director, Michael Solari, has been approached to join this upcoming webinar, as a presenter, run by internationally renown Thomson Reuters.
Jun. 16 2021
If you missed the Southern Sydney Collaborative Professionals Facebook Live event last night you can watch in now.
Jun. 14 2021
Are you going through a divorce and want to avoid the court process? Are you looking to maintain a respectful relationship with your partner and reduce conflict and stress on your family?
Join the experienced team from the Southern Sydney Collaborative Professionals (SSCP) for a Free Facebook Live, Tuesday 15th June at 7:30pm, where they discuss the benefits of Collaborative Family Law.
Jun. 10 2021
Are you going through a divorce and want to avoid the court process? Are you looking to maintain a respectful relationship with your partner and reduce conflict and stress on your family?
Jun. 7 2021
If your relationship is at such a point where you cannot come into contact with each other without the need to record the other parent, then maybe you should not be involved in the changeover altogether. This type of situation shows a clear breakdown in the relationship between the parents and there is a need for them to better manage their changeovers.
May. 31 2021
In the last 21 years of working as a Lawyer in Family Law, I have had many clients who have called and told me that they have been a victim of crime or a victim of family violence and the Police, have, for whatever reason, made a decision to not charge the alleged Offender.
May. 28 2021
What a wonderful surprise from one of Nikita’s very happy clients!