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Need advice you can rely on? Book your consultation with us here.
Nov. 4 2020
When discussing family law property settlements many clients are unsure if they need to be divorced before they can have their property settlement and whether there are time limits to finalise their property settlement.
Nov. 2 2020
The financial impact of COVID 19 pandemic has been felt by all Australians in some way. For couples who are going through the process of separation or are struggling with the impacts of a domestically violent relationship, the impact of COVID 19 can be significantly amplified.
Oct. 28 2020
Is there a time you have to wait after you make a person redundant before you can re advertise for the same position?
Oct. 28 2020
Many commercial contracts contain provisions require one or other party to use “reasonable endeavours” or “best endeavours” to achieve a particular result.
Oct. 21 2020
At what age can my children choose who they live with, and/or choose how often they see the other parent? At what age can a child’s views be more influential than that of their parents?
Oct. 18 2020
The Family Court of Australia hears many applications each year of parents seeking to relocate with their children against the wishes of the other parent, often to be closer to family support, for a re-marriage or for employment opportunities.
In doing so, the Courts must consider the best interests of the child. As such, each case is decided on its own circumstances.
Oct. 15 2020
With the legislation now allowing for same sex marriages, those in a same sex marriage must remember that unless a Will is stated to be made in contemplation of marriage, marriage revokes a will.
Oct. 13 2020
Can I challenge a will?
You may be able to challenge a will on a number of grounds, provided you are eligible to do so.
Oct. 11 2020
Managing the estate of a deceased friend or loved one can be a very overwhelming task. Aside from processing the sadness of loss, you have the added pressure of honouring someone’s wishes while trying to understand jargon in a complicated legal process.
The first question you need to ask is simple: do they have a Will?
Oct. 7 2020
Clients will often ask us “What is the difference between a Divorce and a Property Settlement?” and “Do I have to wait any period of time before I do my property settlement?”. The answers to these questions and more can be found in this article.